Gloscats was formed in late 2005 by a handful of Transgendered people as an e-group to address the almost total lack of any form of social life for Gloucestershire’s large, and largely closeted TG community.
After meeting initially at the homes of individual members and occasionally visiting other groups and venues, it soon became clear that the situation was not sustainable and the group was stagnating.
In early 2007 the management of The Lock Keeper bar in Stroud offered to host our first social evenings and Gloscats moved into their new home.This was quickly followed by an offer from the landlord of the Coach & Horses in Gloucester to hold weekly meetings there.
In spite of the subsequent loss of these two regular venues when they closed, we have continued to flourish. both venues have now been replaced and our calendar is as busy as ever with regular meetings in Gloucester (The Station Hotel and Bristol (The King William and River City).
In 2011 Gloscats set up a Charitable Trust in which ALL its members have a voice, primarily for administering the finances of the group in accordance with the members’ wishes. Some broader purposes were also established for those members with the capacity and inclination to work to improve services for the local trans community.