Files and Documents

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Gloscats Charitable Trust AGM

This Clinical Reference Group (CRG) covers the clinical and surgical care within Gender Identity Services. Gender dysphoria is a condition in which there is a psychological experience of oneself as a man or woman, which is incongruent with the individual’s external sexual characteristics of the body. The individual’s physical sex is not aligned to their gender identity.
Gloscats AGM Notes - 22 Feb 11

NHS England

Additional information and UK Intercollegiate Good Practice Guidelines
Good practice guidelines for the assessment and treatment of adults with gender dysphoria.
This Protocol addresses the significant variations in equity of access currently experienced by patients using gender identity services. It will achieve national consistency and safe delivery of services and has been introduced to allow time to develop and consult on a new commissioning policy and service specification in 2014
This Clinical Reference Group (CRG) covers the clinical and surgical care within Gender Identity Services. Gender dysphoria is a condition in which there is a psychological experience of oneself as a man or woman, which is incongruent with the individual’s external sexual characteristics of the body. The individual’s physical sex is not aligned to their gender identity.

Trans Working Group (20/03/2014)

Trans Working Group on 20/03/2014

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